Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Feminine Principles of Awareness & Healing - MorganFire's Asterioids

The Asteroid Report
Chiron and the Asteroids report for MorganFire
Chiron & the Asteroids in Your Chart


The astronomical body, Chiron (once thought to be a comet or asteroid, now considered a "planetoid" or small planet-like body) is named after the ancient Greek, centaur demi-god who was horse from the waist down and human from the waist up. Chiron's orbit, unlike that of the asteroids, lies between Saturn and Uranus, and is irregular in that it occasionally crosses inside the orbit of Saturn. This astronomical characteristic is symbolic of Chiron's reputation for being somewhat of a maverick.

Astrologically, Chiron's placement in the horoscope indicates one's experience of the wound that does not heal, (or the wound that does not seem to heal, because although an important lesson may be learned through dealing with it, the wound seems to spiral around with another lesson on a deeper level). Chiron represents one's experience of woundedness and the nature of the wound. Second, by coming to terms with suffering through an acceptance of one's mortality, one arrives at a greater state of wholeness or healing. Third, Chiron shows how one comes into one's own as an elder or mentor who can provide healing and guidance to others. Thus Chiron also astrologically indicates the ways and means with which you can guide others, as well as the kind of mentoring and healing you seek for yourself.

Chiron in Gemini

With Chiron in Gemini, mentoring and the healing process are associated with the need to be heard and understood, and with learning how to share one's innermost thoughts and ideas. This applies to both the kind of mentoring you seek for yourself, and the kind that you are eventually able to extend to others. Lack of schooling, educational upheavals, learning disabilities, speech defects, or feelings of intellectual inferiority could lead you to feel wounded or inadequate in these areas of life.

You may be very perceptive, but unable to communicate what you know, for the aforementioned reasons or because open honest communication was discouraged during your formative years, and you were made to feel dumb or to doubt your own perceptions due to lack of validation. At the other extreme, over-confidence in or over-emphasis on your intellectual capacities can upset the apple cart in painful ways that force you to adopt a more holistic, less mind-oriented approach to life. Traumatic sibling experiences may be a source of wounding; perhaps you seek a sister or brother figure as a mentor, or encounter helpful guidance from Big Sister/Big Brother organizations. Experiences such as these can evoke your philosophical side and awaken a true sense of wisdom as you struggle to come to terms with the ongoing suffering and the healing sought.

Chiron in 9th House

Chiron in the ninth house indicates that the wounding/healing experience (as described by Chiron's sign placement) plays itself out through the sphere of life that has to do with higher education, belief systems, the pursuit of knowledge, and the expansion of mental and cultural horizons. You may undertake higher studies that have to do with healing, or pursue philosophies that teach the integration of the physical and instinctual with the more lofty side of human pursuits, life purpose, or search for truth, and possibly on the dissemination of teachings regarding such matters.

You may encounter mentor figures in the field of higher learning, or mentors who are renegade thinkers. You may experience a profound sense of wounding from such experiences as denied access to higher education, persecution of a faith or belief system, fanaticism, legal actions, or bans on teaching or publishing. Any dysfunctional defense mechanisms you use to deal with the painful issue can cause you further difficulties. Eventually you learn how to integrate and learn from these experiences in such a way that you cyclically reap deeper and deeper healing and wisdom from them.
Jupiter Trine Chiron

Chiron forms a harmonious aspect with Jupiter. You can instill faith and optimism in those who suffer from loss of hope or spiritual crisis. You could play a healing or advisory role in issues involving foreign countries or cultural exchange. As a result of your own efforts to heal the wounds bound up with your spiritual/religious life or belief system, you are able to help others - through mentoring or healing activity - to find a sense of inner spiritual authority and personal meaning of life that is self-empowering. You are able to integrate your own experience of wounding with a positive life outlook.

Uranus Opposite Chiron

Chiron forms a challenging aspect with Uranus. The wounded healer clashes with the forward thinking rebel who is a proponent of change. You may experience wounding that has to do with issues of the devastation wrought by modern technology or with illnesses that effect the nervous system, meridians, or subtle electro-magnetic energy fields of the human body. Iridology, reiki, acupuncture, and cranio-sacral therapy are some examples of the kinds of subtle-energy healing techniques that may be part of your wounding/healing journey.

There may be a wound having to do with an extreme sensitivity to the collective unconscious of humanity and the ideals or thought forms that affect it. This can cause you to be swept away by the tides of social, political, or esoteric movements that promise freedom from certain types of restrictions but often just usher in a new form of enslavement. There may be an attitude of indiscriminate rebellion that leads to a perception of all forms of authority as a threat to freedom.

This results in a resistance to the voice of one's own inner authority, and mistaking its promptings towards inner change and growth (which could be painful) for demands for conformity. If this inner voice is betrayed, then you ironically do end up selling out and joining the ranks of the order of the day, new and exciting as they may be. Through dealing with the pain caused by these experiences, you come to learn on a profound level that the only change that leads to freedom is a deep internal change involving one's own thought patterns, for they are the root of the behavioral and emotional habits that unnecessarily limit you. The challenge is to learn to see that both the need for healing and the need for freedom exist within you, and that not only are they not mutually exclusive, the one need cannot be met without fulfilling the other! It's up to you to resolve this paradox. Your ability to do this may enable you to serve as a healer/mentor to others who struggle with similar issues.


Ceres is the expression of the Earth Goddess archetype that has been worshipped in many forms by various cultures. This archetype has always been associated with mother earth, harvests, a transformational journey to and from the underworld, rites of passage, and the birth or resurrection of a fertility deity.  The myth of Demeter (da mater or "earth mother") and the sudden abduction of her dearly loved daughter Persephone by the lord of the underworld contains the same universal symbolism as other Earth Goddess myths. These myths may appear, at first, to be early explanations for the changing of the seasons. They are actually wise, rich, symbolic teachings on such profound themes as loss and renewal, death and rebirth, and the endless transformation that constitutes the very laws of creation to which this universe and everything in it adheres.

On a more personal level, the Ceres myth deals with the severance of the bonds of love and/or attachment. When we experience love as we have known it being taken from us, we can feel as if we have been cast into a realm of eternal darkness, never to return to the world of the living again. We may then be unable to let go of the past, reliving it again and again in our minds-- protesting and resisting the present, and demanding that it somehow hand over to us the treasure that has been snatched away.

Ceres in the birth chart thus describes what one really cares about, and the way one nurtures others (and needs to be nurtured oneself) in a parental kind of way. It also indicates where one may tend to cling, the kind of separations that can be traumatic, and what one may be required to give up (or share with others) in order to grow. It can also indicate the ways in which we seek for something that seems to be missing, something we didn't get enough of, as well as the ways that can help us mourn such a loss. As with Demeter and Persephone, Ceres can also indicate the kind of experience that constitutes a rite of passage - the most profound transformation: the death and rebirth of the self.

Ceres in Cancer

With Ceres in Cancer, you may feel at times like the "Cosmic Mother-- mother to all, rather like the old woman who lived in a shoe. When others are around you, they experience the kind of love they longed for as a child, and they feel renewed and healed by this. You associate nurturance with emotional bonding, caring, empathy, and feeding. Lack of this kind of nurturance at an early age can result in emotional insecurity, dependency, and clingy behavior. This lack could be a source of grief, through which you learn how to provide emotional support for yourself and, thus, for others. Separation from or loss of the home, family security, mother, nurturing parent, or other anima figures could be a source of grief, and could serve as transformative experiences for you, ones that initiate you into the lessons of loss and return, death and rebirth, and simply letting go.

Ceres in 10th House

Ceres in the tenth house indicates that nurturing is so important to you that it needs to be part of your career (whether or not it's part of your job description). This need to care for others may have its roots in some experience (real or perceived) of parental rejection in your own personal life. The integration of parenting with the pursuit of a career can be an issue that, if not resolved, may lead to the sacrifice of one over the other. Unfulfilled desires to be a parent can be consciously channeled into your career, where you can make use of your great natural ability to care for others. You are "a natural" in such careers as social work, day-care, and herbal/nutritional or health care professions. Issues of nurturance and performance/achievement may have become intertwined, and if so, you could find it transforming and healing to disentangle the two.

Saturn Trine Ceres

Ceres forms a harmonious aspect with Saturn. The longing for nurturing bonds encounters the longing for achievement. These two urges combine well so that you are able to take a balanced approach towards the integration of career/breadwinner activities with parent-child, nurturing, bonding needs. Your concrete advice, your hard-nosed attitude, and your sheer capacity for endurance help others to deal realistically with life's losses and difficult rites of passage. Your practical, no-nonsense grasp of these realities can be of great comfort to others.


Pallas Athena signifies wisdom and creative problem solving in which a holistic view of conflicting or opposite elements (the Masculine and the Feminine) is required. This sense of fairness is backed up by a willingness to defend or fight for the underdog. Thus Pallas Athena is also associated with fighting for causes. She represents the application of practical skill and creative intelligence in order to best be of service. She was the goddess of war (defense, originally) as well as the goddess of wisdom and culture - patroness of the civilized arts such as pottery, sculpture, weaving, architecture, and animal husbandry.

Pallas Athena can also represent the denial of one's own gender in an effort to cope with situations that require the skills of the opposite gender in order to survive, as well as the struggle to rediscover and reconnect with essential qualities of one's own sex. Androgynous conditions and healing through feminine wisdom, energy balancing or conflict resolution are also expressions of the Pallas Athena archetype.

Pallas in Gemini

Pallas Athena in Gemini denotes perceptive insight or intuitional skill when it comes to communication and teaching. You may be particularly inventive or subtle in the use of gesture, words, speech or writing, and it may be important for you to utilize your skills in the communication of knowledge and ideas in your career. You might also employ these abilities in order to defend or fight for some social, political, or minority cause (see Pallas Athena's house position, below)--making speeches or inspiring others through your writings.

You may write as a way of making a cultural contribution, or perhaps your thoughts, speech, or writing revolve around issues dealing with sexual identity or the balancing of the Feminine and Masculine. You have a deeply intuitive and wise grasp of knowledge, and may feel it a mission to pass it on - through creative writing, story-telling, or teaching. Skills in healing or conflict resolution lie in the creative use of word, thought, and perception: mantras, affirmations, and positive thinking; as well as in therapies aimed at the functions of speech, the nervous system, or manual dexterity.

Pallas in 8th House

In the eighth house Pallas Athena's refined sense of wisdom as well as her atypical sense of gender roles affect the domain of one's sexuality and power interactions with others. Sexuality may not find outlet in traditional ways and may instead be sublimated into transformational esoteric practices, or into business and financial pursuits (at which you are quite gifted). You may utilize your creative gifts or political/humanitarian conscience in fund-raising pursuits (perhaps working behind the scenes, or secretly) to support causes which may aid victims of power abuse or political oppression. Difficulty can arise if Pallas Athena's energy is expressed as a crusade in which power (whether occult, sexual, or financial) is all that matters.

Sun Sextile Pallas

The asteroid Pallas Athena (the patron-goddess of wisdom, culture and the arts) forms a harmonious aspect with the Sun (one's sense of identity and essential purpose). Your sense of identity is augmented by your creative intellect and your cultural or socio-political awareness. Creative expression comes easily to you, and you have a knack for finding practical uses for it, sometimes putting them to use in support of socio-cultural activities. You relate harmoniously with both genders and often have creative or wise solutions for conflict resolution. You can draw on an ample supply of courage and wisdom.

Mars Sextile Pallas

The asteroid Pallas Athena forms a harmonious aspect with Mars. Your male assertive energies and your creative intellect and socio-cultural pursuits lend each other a helping hand. Your ability to mentally or creatively express yourself in the outer world is supported by your boldness, your adventurousness, and your confident, assertive manner. You may support an oppressed group through your fighting spirit, courageous action, or through a remarkably persuasive sales technique. Your creativity may express masculine themes or be put to the service of men's issues. Your sense of honor may be highly developed.


Juno (whose Greek name is Hera) in addition to her authority over matters pertaining to childbirth and motherhood, has come to be associated with issues of socially acknowledged relationship, legal marriage, marital fulfillment through commitment and fidelity, and the struggle for equality within a relationship. She represents, also, the kind of power struggles that involve controlling the partner through control over offspring, or through the withholding of sex or emotional intimacy. Juno can also represent committed relationships entered into out of a sense of duty, guilt, or for social reasons.

Juno represents both the need for relationship and the refusal to accept inequality within the context of a relationship. She represents the struggle to balance the need for intimacy with the opposing need for freedom - needs which both partners have, although one of these needs may be projected onto the partner. She can also represent the need to take marriage as a sacred trust, a way that leads to spiritual fulfillment through the reconciliation of the opposites in a state of union.

On another level, Juno can represent the way in which one feels rendered powerless by conflict in spite of sincere effort and irreproachable conduct on one's own part. The harder one tries, the more inadequate one's efforts seem to be, for there is a tendency to cling to old methods when circumstances have changed and a whole new paradigm is needed before the way clear can be seen. This frustration can sometimes lead to self-depreciation and loss of faith in oneself. Juno thus symbolizes the transition state between old and new ways of being, where the old fails to meet the needs of the times and the new is not yet manifest. She describes the need for a kind of spiritual self-rejuvenation that is needed in order to see oneself through times of utter disintegration into the future that awaits. Juno in the horoscope thus represents the ways in which we need to renew ourselves, and where our ability to adjust to changing circumstances is most tested.

Since marriage proved to be this goddess' testing ground, Juno in the horoscope also indicates the qualities associated with one's marriage partner and the ways in which one handles intimacy/freedom needs as well as the jealousy and insecurity that often accompany this balancing act. Juno's position describes the nature of any control issues, the ways in which such power struggles get enacted, and the type of sacred cows that need to be relinquished so that the path to marital fulfillment can unfold. Juno's placement in your chart can refer not only to your mate (or the way that you perceive your mate), but to the relationship and to your own behavior in a committed relationship as well.

Juno in Libra

With Juno in Libra, the qualities you seek in a committed relationship are harmony, equality, and a mutual awareness of the other person's needs. You appreciate a partner with artistic or musical skills, and a sense of good taste - a true lady or gentleman. Someone idealistic, who understands that Yin and Yang, the Feminine and the Masculine, must support each other in order for true harmony to be achieved. It could be that, in spite of your best efforts, you yourself experience a sense of inadequacy or powerlessness when it comes to such matters, or that your partner is doing all the expressing in this regard (or vice versa). This could be a source of difficulty when it comes to intimate relations. Intimacy/freedom needs, childbearing, fidelity, and power issues need to be handled with fairness and consideration for each other, otherwise uncooperative or competitive behavior can result.

Juno in 12th House

Juno in the twelfth house indicates that there are deep unconscious emotional patterns that the relationship evokes, lending it a sense of destiny. Whether or not one believes in reincarnation, there is the sense of an ancient bond that exists between you and your partner, a kind of familiarity and "fatedness" that may have been felt from the beginning. If spiritual interests are shared, this could represent a true marriage of "soul mates" who experience divine union with the Beloved through each other.

There may be a sense of a one-sided debt owed to one partner by the other, resulting in the need to undergo some kind of sacrifice for the sake of the relationship, perhaps even a sacrifice of the relationship itself. One partner may nurse the other through ill health, for example. Or perhaps the partner works as a nurse, in a hospital, or in some other institution of voluntary or involuntary confinement. At any rate issues of service, sacrifice, and spiritual connection are major concerns in the committed relationship. The qualities described by Juno's sign position (above) indicates the manner in which you can best deal with these issues.

Sun Sextile Juno

Juno forms a harmonious aspect with the Sun. The need for intimacy and a mutually supportive relationship combines with the sense of identity and creative purpose in a natural, easy manner. You like to relate harmoniously with others, and you are able to handle with grace such issues as the struggle for equality and the need for autonomy within relationship. You may be supportive of your partner's creative expression and playfulness, or be attracted to a partner who supports your own creativity and self-expression. Such interests may provide you and your partner with a comfortable way to share and enrich your relationship.

Jupiter Trine Juno

Juno forms a harmonious aspect with Jupiter. Your enthusiasm for Life and your search for meaning in it enhance and are enhanced by the whole issue of committed relationships. One partner may bring out the philosopher in the other, or encourage the other in their quests and explorations, and in faith and optimism in life's journey. Your intimate relationships may benefit from higher education, traveling, or cultural exchanges. Your own philosophical attitude about the balance of power in relationships may be supportive to your partner (or vice versa).


The asteroid Vesta (Latin) represents any sacred space - be it temple, sweat lodge, or meditation corner - that acts as a container in which we may center ourselves, and feel the presence of Spirit. In ancient times Vesta was worshipped both in the city center as the flaming altar, and in every home as the central hearth whose embers were literally passed on down through the generations from mother to daughter when the daughter married and established her own hearth. In this manner Vesta came to represent the perpetuation of the spark of life, and of civilization and one's ancestral and cultural roots.

Astrologically, Vesta has come to represent both spirituality and consecrated (or desecrated) sexuality. This can include a wide range of sexual expressions such as abstinence, renunciation and celibacy, the celebration of spiritually honored sexuality, sexual idealism, and the sacred whore. Astrologically, Vesta stands for that which provides us with inner sustenance; the way in which we are pulled back to our core or inner self; and the struggle between this and the demands of the outer world.

Vesta represents the way in which we long to bless others with the fruits of the spiritual resources we have found within ourselves, but it is also the need to retreat and preserve our inner sanctuary against any disrespectful intrusion. Vesta is associated with dedication, focus, and commitment. She represents those things that helps us focus, the way in which we dedicate ourselves with heart and soul, and that for which we are ready (or compelled) to make a sacrifice.

The things indicated by Vesta's position in your chart may be things that you feel compelled to give up or sacrifice, often out of a sense of spiritual compulsion. Yet they can also be the very things that evoke your dedication - leading to a sense of deep inner fulfillment when you are willing to make some sacrifices on their behalf. Keep this paradox in mind as you read on, for Vesta can express itself one way or the other - or both!

Vesta in Scorpio

Vesta in Scorpio indicates that emotional depth, passionate intensity, and penetrating thoroughness are the things that help you focus and center yourself. You use them to both go inward and get in touch with yourself, and to then move outward and commit your focused energies with dedication, zeal, and even sacrifice (described further by Vesta's house position, below). You revere this kind of passionate intensity when it comes to sexuality as well, for through it you may experience the most fulfilling spiritual aspects of sex. On the other hand, it may be that sexuality is renounced out of religious or spiritual convictions. Experience of sexual taboos may cause you to struggle with issues of guilt or shame, especially when religion is involved.

When focused, you can be very demanding of yourself and of others, and you have the capacity for intense concentration and commitment. It is possible that, through one-pointedness, you focus so much on these pursuits that the means becomes an end in itself and you lose sight of the goal they are meant to serve. If this happens, you (or those around you) can burn out from your obsession and relentless driving, and you end up feeling disoriented and out of touch with yourself. You may then feel tempted to renounce your drive altogether. By learning to anchor this intensity and drive in a sense of inner spiritual presence, you can renew the sense of fulfilling dedication to your goals.

Vesta in 1st House

Vesta in the first house indicates that your very sense of identity is bound up with some kind of sacrificial dedication or intense focus on your own goals or spiritual quest. This focus may be centered around your own identity, or the effort to establish a sense of your own true self or the link between the self and Spirit. This focus can be so one-pointed or compelling as to exclude yourself from an involvement in committed relationships with others. For you, the spiritual quest may be a highly personal one, with a need to follow your own inner spiritual authority and no one else's.

People may perceive you as a priestess-like figure or spiritual authority - someone who serves as a representative of Spirit, and perhaps, of spiritual sexuality. Issues around the sacredness of sexuality - the violation of which is considered desecration - could be important concerns that have an impact upon your sense of self. There could be a denial of the sense of self, one's own sense of existence, or identity. You may feel committed to the effort to transcend the ego, and to renounce all sense of personal identity, name and fame, image, etc.

Sun Square Vesta

Your Vesta forms a challenging aspect with the Sun. There is a conflict between one's sense of self or identity and "sacred cow" issues involving dedication or intense focus. You may find it difficult to focus or commit yourself to a calling or endeavor that would give meaning to your life direction. There may be a conflict between one's dedication to work and one's need for play, spontaneity, and self-expression; or between work and children.

Or perhaps you experience a conflict between sexuality and spirituality, or between sexual needs and commitment. An over-emphasis on what is held to be sacred may lead to dependency on external spiritual authority, and frustration or obstacles in the process of self-individuation. There may be difficulties due to inappropriate sacrifices: the sacrifice of self-hood (giving one's power away) in the name of ego-transcendence may constitute a betrayal of the self on some level. No matter how it seems, "fire-tending" is not incompatible with self-expression and a personal sense of life purpose. The challenge for you is to find ways to meet them both, and to avoid the natural tendency to unconsciously repress or project one of them out onto others.

Mars Square Vesta

Your Vesta forms a challenging aspect with Mars. Your fighting spirit and masculine energies are at loggerheads with the whole issue of dedication and self-sacrifice. You may feel, or be made to feel, that it is unmanly for men to express themselves in spiritual or sexually honoring ways. Or perhaps you struggle with a lack of confidence or fear of confrontation when it comes to expressing your spiritual views, your sexuality, or your capacity for dedication to a cherished activity. Sexual or spiritual trauma resulting from patriarchal abuses may require healing in order to move beyond a state of entrenched conflict.

Or perhaps spiritual views leave you feeling uncomfortable about your more masculine characteristics, such as willful drive or assertiveness. Impossible as it may seem, there is a place in the world, and in you, for both cherishing sacrifice and healthy masculine assertiveness. The more you can entertain this possibility and give up the tendency to take sides between these two expressions, the more you will experience the resolution and healing of old conflicts of this nature.

Neptune Sextile Vesta

Your Vesta forms a harmonious aspect with Neptune. The Neptunian transcendental urges enhance Vesta's perception of the sacred unity of spirituality and the physical/sexual aspects of life. You are able to balance your need for passionate focus and dedication to work with your need for transcendental experience. You can integrate spiritual and sexual needs without creating a split between the two. Your capacity to concentrate and focus your energies may be used in support of the healing arts, or artistic or spiritual pursuits.

Pluto Conjunct Vesta

Your Vesta is conjunct Pluto. Your capacity for self-sacrifice and your sense of sacredness is an innate part of your urge for powerful and transformative experience. Your life energies are totally dedicated to transformation, whether it be social renewal, psychological transformation or environmental recycling. Your ability to focus and concentrate can be used to penetrate the workings of the human psyche, sexuality, and power issues. Issues dealing with the use and/or abuse of power have a profound effect on your spiritual/sexual energies. The endeavors into which you pour your focused energies and your sense of dedication may have an impact on society at large.

This sums up your report for Chiron and the asteroids in your chart. An astrological chart is like a blueprint of the human psyche, with its great and dramatic cast of archetypes. And each human psyche is like a unique, one-of-a-kind carpet woven from many beautiful threads of many different colors. Chiron and the asteroids are five of those threads.

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